Saturday, July 9, 2011

At a time when the world needs someone to save it, hollywood obliges, dont know what Im talking about I suggest we review the movie releases of the past year:

The list is endless with more movies scheduled to be released, in 2011, 2012 and 2013 such as:
The psychology of this is interesting, go hollywood with your study of the masses and such. Feeding off human misery to create false hope in the form of flying/mutated/extraordinary men that will roll in the money. My favourite one is captain america "America, where heroes are made." guess the rest of the world is up for grabs then. Sorry Benazir Butto, Ghandi, Salah Al Deen heroes are only made in America.

Or perhaps this will inspire the few of us who still have anything left to be "inspired".

Monday, July 4, 2011

Like you fuck everything else up. Boo you.

By Andrew Salgado