LSD, you know Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds AKA Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. Has any one ever wanted a hallucinogenic purely because everything around them was boring to the point that you need drugs to stimulate your limbic system and over excite your dopaminergic neurons just so you can feel something slightly different and exciting.
And then a question presented itself in my mind: Is this how people get into drugs? Because they got really impossibly bored with their own lives? I wonder.
Sad times for humanity.
I was bored not because I had nothing to do, I had plenty to do, but nothing stimulated my interest any more. I had drawn a blank. Everything just seems so blah and tiresome- Anyway back to the point, so drugees of the world? Were you all just bored?
Hmmmm, maybe someday they will find a gene that says you predispositioned to be a drugee. What? There is a god gene or have you not heard? Keep up with your science.