Monday, January 26, 2009

Here and there.. pretty much everywhere really!

So yeah! Exams are over and done with! good stuff, good stuff!! These past two weeks have been sort of stressful, all nighters and what not, that one physiology exam got me all crazy I couldnt sleep all night was just lying in bed, revising in my head it was driving me mad! I didnt even do very well on that exam!
One thing I've learned from exams is to trust your first instinct, never question your first impression of something or someone! Always go with it, cause its the right one, honestly! It was crazy cause like all my exams are multiple questions, so I read it once, read the answers than go like, yeah! Its B! ... No, wait, it could be D.... or A for that matter... and then I'm just like "Bloody fucking hell, whaT?!" And then, I find out it was actually B!
I'm pretty sure theres a scientific explanation for this! And when I learn it, I will be sure to post about it, not that anyone would care but myself really. All those long nights of revision have taken a tool on me! I keep turning medical biological info into funny/perverted things! Its quite amusing really, me and my friends were discussing Viagra and its effects in the library, we were quite loud, so we got these weird looks, we werent on the medics and science floor, so that must have been it, haha!

Tonight we went out, usualy I dont like going out to bars and whatever, its just not my thing, I stand there feeling just awkward and out of place! But I really wanted to unwind and have a bit of fun, and since all my good friends were going, and they all knew I didnt drink it was kinda okay? Yeah well anyway, I had a good time laughing and doing some stupid things! Got some virgin drinks, some chocolaty thingy which tasted amazzzziiingggg!!!!! Got a bit of a sugar high after that! Good times! Ahhh!!

Tomorrow I will be going to london for a few days, since my second semester doesnt start until the 9th of feb. I am in need of some serious retail therapy! Honestlyyyyy!! I am going to go shopping, and be a tourist! AND JUST CHILL GODDAMIT!
Life is good, good friends, good times!


  1. love you!!!
    i hope you have a fashionista break/vacation
    thingie.....splurge!!! screw physiology...
    the inside of our body is fine the way it is...
    if it starts coming from the outside...then
    worry about the multiple choice....screw it!!
    its done and over!!!!
    shop shop shop!!!!!!!!!!
    the best therapy....and the best experience :P

  2. the first instinct is ALWAYS right.. min jid the number of times i messed up because i doubted myself..

    as long as no one is there trying to shove drinks down your throat convincing you its ok to try it at least once, then your alright... my friends were super cool and never tried to pressure me into that stuff..

    i miss london :( have fun.. and don't look at price tags.. lol

  3. Going to a bar and having virgin drinks till you get high on sugar sound like SO MUCH FUN!
