Somewhere, beneath the starry ski, between stormy seas and fiery earth life lies lost. Searching for answers and seeking truth, always seeking truth, what do we do when all these lies become our lives?
And all our lives revolve around deceit. Lies, big fat amusing lies… addictive lies.
Shadows in the dark background of deceit, whispering cold dark twisted lies, lies… addictive lies.
We claim, we say, we shout, we cry, we scream, we fight because we say we want to hear the truth, the truth, a truth we already have buried deep inside of us, embedded in our souls.
You want to know the truth? The truth behind life? The truth behind yourself? You run from the truth like it’s the plague. You deny the truth at every corner, you couldn’t tell what the truth was if it was there dancing in front of you in a bright fucking chicken suite. Even if you saw the truth, you will run, just like you run every time, just like everyone else. You will run, run and then lie some more. Lies lies lies, addictive bloody lies.
Lie until we cant sleep. Lie until our lies keep us awake at night, haunting us. Lies lies lies you and your lies.
Bullshit, my own life is full of lies. And I know it, but do you know it?
Funny thing is I know when im being lied to but I will accept the lie rather than the truth. Cause its easier for me to do that, than face the truth. Im a coward. There you go, thats some truth for you right there: I am a coward.
Im starting to think I should put maybe a little more effort in writing my posts, mmmm, maybe then I'd get some comments eh?
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