Thursday, July 23, 2009

(double click to enlarge) 

"Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do."  - Pope John XXIII

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Confessions of an insomniac.

- Im still bitter and I hate them all. Fuck forgiveness and good grace and being the fucking better person. I HATE THEM. There I said it: I hate their fucking guts and I dont even bloody care if they all just DIE suddenly. A7SAN.

- Im dreading next year cause I think I'll fail. 

- You know when I told you I loved you, I think I was slightly delusional. I dont know why I said it- Plead temporary insanity. 

- I ate your last cookie when you werent looking.

- I hate your fucking guts.

- I say I dont care, I say it all the time. I say it to myself, to the walls, to the sky, I say I dont care I scream it to myself and to the world: I DONT CARE. In the hope that repeating the statement will make it true.

- I want to keep you forever. 

- For once Im afraid of showing someone who I am, Im afraid they wont like it and that I'll lose them.

- Some days I want to cry and I dont even know why.

- Today you touched my arm and I swear I recoiled with actual fear for no reason at all.

- I hate summer vacations.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Theres something in his manner, a beautiful truth I cant find, hidden behind colourful masks and masquerades... he stands with his broken wings and his helpless smile, as if its a mistake he's done before but cant help but fall into again and again. Such sinful beauty he finds in her eyes, again and again, falling into this mistake, until darkness prevails where the light of her eyes die, they should have stretched on to eternity but eternity ended where they ended. 

Everything fades away into all these shades of chaos- even the light in her eyes. 

So heres our hero where we left him, broken wings on the cold wet ground of reality, broken and helplessly smiling.. What do you do when everything within you is slowly falling apart, either rusting away or slowly breaking and degenerating away into nothingness? 

Theres something in his manner, in his helpless smile, as if he lives to crash, hes self-destructing. 

Theres something in his manner, as if he knows truth will not lead him astray and love will never fail him.. 

Theres something in his manner, as if he knows nothing but is willing to take a chance on faith

Friday, July 3, 2009


- Some people are such IDIOTS, why do I even bother with you?