I was meant to make a survey on the dating “scene” in my beloved flawed country Saudi, but seeing as my last post only got 3 people thinking, I decided to ask some people I actually knew what they thought about it. I got some interesting reactions, most are confused, like myself.
What is considered appropriate these days? I mean our generation doesnt resemble our parents, just like our parents generation didnt resemble their parents. I do believe we have evolved socially and in some ways deteriorated, or are approaching a dangerous level of shall we say “open-ness” the red line has to be drawn somewhere, I totally agree but it seems the red line hasnt been drawn with permanent ink, every generation erases the red line and places it where that generation thinks is appropriate. It seems that someday, there isnt going to be a red line anymore.
What is the right thing to do these days? If there is such a thing! I've asked a couple of people and it seems the majority seems to think its okay this by itself took me by total surprise I was raised to think that it was evil itself! Everyone however had a certain criteria to what would make it ok, for one it depended on the people involved, their age, everyone agreed that kids (ages 13 – 16) was totally unacceptable but more importantly it relied on their intentions. Are you looking for a serious relationship,one that will lead to marriage and the whole family thing? Or do you simply need someone in your life that cares about you and loves you, someone you could call your own? Or are you just a bored guy/girl messing around?
To those who are looking for a serious relationship, think about the odds. Is there a chance that you might think of spending the rest of your life with this person, and more importantly would your parents approve of him or his parents approve of you? Because lets face it, your not going to elope and he sure as hell wont elope for you. I can understand why you would want to know the person you marry before you actually do marry them, but isnt that what the “khotba” period is for? But then again, khotba puts too much pressure and theres always that question lurking in the back of your head, what if no one else comes along?
I've seen my parents, and their marriage isnt happy, ive seen other peoples parents too, they dont seem to be that ecstatic either, I know people who have gotten divorced after 1 year of marriage, after 16 years of marriage, even the people who stay together do it for all the wrong reason.
So, you see why most of todays youth want to take matters into their own hands, whether that is a good idea or not we cant tell that at the present time.
Although one can look at the western culture, they encourage young love, and the freedom to love whoever you want, or not. But that doesn't seem to have worked either, with high divorce rates and lots of teenage mothers...
I think, the best thing to do is try to find some common ground between the two cultures, draw a red line with permanent ink. And dont be a hypocrite about it.