Tuesday, September 8, 2009

More ridiculous bullshit, from even more retarded folk.

CAUTION: Very dark post, in an even darker mood.

- I must have a sign that says "Go ahead, walk all over me." I mean some people and their crap, always throwing it your way, you know. How they never call unless they want something or they put you on "limited profile" on facebook, or they remove you all together I mean- LAME! or hell they never so much as say hello for 3 months! When you use to spend all day with them! JUST BECAUSE IM A NICE PERSON IT DOESNT MEAN YOU CAN USE AND THROW AWAY WHENEVER YOU FUCKING FEEL LIKE IT! - End rant.

-I dont trust people who throw around the word "I love you" do you? I dont know, sounds like fake emotions to me. Pfft love, its a state of mind you throw yourself into willingly, kinda like getting high, at least when you sober up you can tell reality from illusion and when your being mind fucked, however willingly.

- If the greater good voted for love id vote for hate, fuck the greater good who are they to judge what is good. What if the greater good was to kill a bunch of orphans, their such a burden anyway, what if the "greater good" was just to get rid of them all. Save some money, some food, shit loads of whining and messed up adults. Does the greater "good" then become "evil"? Conclusion: We are the greater good therefore we are evil. Every man to himself right? How bout every 1000 or so selfish human beings to themselves, the orphans are fucked.


  1. i guess telling you that i love you and your blog right now wouldn't have the desired effect..

    but yeah, you shouldn't follow a greater anything.. be your own self.. don't follow the crowd, or your genes for that matter.. and enjoy every day for what it is.. there is no telling what the world will throw at you tomorrow.. :)

  2. Dearest frogman,
    If the desired effect was to make me smile so wide my face hurts, your objective has been met =)

    Indeed, there is no telling... sigh.
    Thank you once again for your amazing comments!
